Life is a challenge😼


One of friends used to say at me that my family and I always busy when it comes to holiday and it is so hard for her and other friends to hang out with me. And ABSOLUTELY YES. Sometimes i do feel sorry to them because i can't spend much time with them. It is not because i don't want to but it is because i have lack of time. My family always have activities to do during weekend such as going back to Terengganu.

Terengganu is a must place to go because we need to always visit our grandmother a.k.a walid's mom at Kuala Berang and other reason is there is some feasts that we need to attend. And yes for sure I'll visit my old friends in SMAKL. I spend my times there almost a day or sleep there sometime. Hahahah without the warden's permission tho 😅😆😂

While my other new friends in Kelantan, it is like ........ Yaaa i know we are busy for SPM so we do not have time to hang out and also you guys always having tuition classes on weekend😡 That is one of the reason. Other reason is maybe was creating by me. Hahahha but believe me , I REALLY WOULD LIKE TO HANG OUT WITH OUR SQUAD TOGETHER😉 I am not lying okay because i do not know how to lie. Lolls

Then, these thoughts are always playing in my mind. It is about which friend that i most comfortable with. When I'm with my kelantanese friends, i am really happy but imma also happy when I'm with my smaklian buddies. But the important thing is i am really grateful for the 'nikmah' of having friends. They taught me a lot about relationship. I really meant it. And i hope may Allah always keep this awesome friendship till the end, insyaAllah. I wanna meet them in Jannah, Ya Allah. And i always put you guys in my doa.

Last, but not least, i wanna say that this is all about sincerity. When we are sincere to approach with someone, for sure they will give their positivity to us.

#TASKIALFATONAH #SRIQ #SeRUALHILAL #SMAKL #MMPP #whatsnext?😆 #3tahfiz #3timoh #5ummuhabibah #5ummuaiman #thesavagesquad


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